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TRPG on stage by La Bonne Auberge

TRPG on stage by La Bonne Auberge


La Bonne Auberge will be at Arcana! Get ready for a program with autographs, photos and moments on stage Saturday and Sunday of Arcana! We are pleased to welcome Lucien Maine, the game master as well as the talented players Pénélope Bagieu, Max Mammouth, Lisa Villaret, Adrien Ménielle and even Jean-Baptiste Ballié, their beloved technician! This will be the perfect opportunity to finally meet in real life this group so loved by Twitch and Youtube.

 Stage appearances

 The entire La Bonne Auberge team will be on stage Saturday and Sunday! Expect a game on the Sapphire Stage on Saturday night and a Q&A panel on Sunday to ask them all your questions!

 Autographs and photos

 To meet Lucien, Max or Lisa in person, you can already reserve your places for autographs or photos by going to our ticket office ! Attention, places are very limited!

 Want to find out what La Bonne Auberge does?

 Head over to their Twitch channel .

 Or on their Youtube channel .

 Or on their Patreon .

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