Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins, a fifteen-year-old boy, lives peacefully with his mother in a port city. One day, he comes across a seriously injured man, but he cannot save him from certain death. The man, named Billy Bones, gives him a precious orb that contains a map. This leads to a fabulous pirate treasure, the legendary "booty of a thousand worlds".
Doctor Doppler quickly organizes an expedition aboard the RLS Legacy, a magnificent space galleon. Jim undertakes this fantastic voyage as a cabin boy. Thanks to the benevolent advice of his friend John Silver, the ship's charismatic cyborg cook, the young boy becomes a talented navigator. He faces, with the other members of the crew, supernovas, black holes and the terrible storms of the cosmos. But he soon discovers that his old friend Silver is in fact a pirate plotting a mutiny.
Language: French voices (VF), French subtitles
Schedule: 11:00 a.m.
Duration: 1 hour and 35 minutes